Wednesday, October 26, 2011

AWPC: Can't find her own vulva

My wife is teleworking today, and a few minutes in to her work day, she got a call from her boss. In general, I try hard not to listen in to her work conversations, but there are certain words and phrases just capture the imagination. Case in point:

No, I can see her vulva, too. I'm looking, and there are five vulvas here. She's just not looking far enough down.
[pause - presumably the person on the phone said something]
I could put all the vulvas together, if that's what she'd like.
I could even put hers on top, if that would make it easier for her to find her vulva. Tell her I'm putting her vulva on top of the others.

1 comment:

anarchist said...


Apologies for the off-topic comment, but I couldn't find a contact email for you.

I've recently put out an ebook of my writing, called The New Death and others. It's mostly short stories, with some obvious gamer-interest material. For example I have a story inspired by OD&D elves, as well as poems which retell Robert E Howard's King Kull story The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune and HP Lovecraft's Under the Pyramids.

I was wondering if you'd be interested in doing a review on your blog.

If so, please let me know your email, and what file format is easiest for you, and I'll send you a free copy. You can email me ( or reply to this thread.

You can download a sample from Smashwords:

I'll also link to your review from my blog.
