Tuesday, May 10, 2011

AWPC (kinda): I really like your bush. It makes me smile every day.

I don't have a workplace, so I can't really make Actual Work Place Conversation posts like Jake does. The closest thing I have to a workplace, they don't talk about anything but LEGO.

A few times I've considered just randomly accosting people on the streets within inane questions, or posing as a time-traveler in public, in hopes of being able to come up with something worth posting here.

The other day, though, I did manage to overhear a very bizarre snippet of conversation while about town, and I didn't even have to accost anyone to provoke it. Just surreal enough to mention here. I heard several sentences before and after it, but I assure you they gave no clues to any context or logic that would explain this.

Stranger #1: "I really like your bush. It makes me smile every day."

Stranger #2: "Well, you can't please everyone."

From the dialog, I can only assume one of them was Moses, the other was either God or a hooker.