Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Double Standards

It amazes me that the same conservatives who are so against WikiLeaks can simultaneously be in favor of right-wing undercover operations such as posing as a charity to lure folks at NPR into saying something stupid in front of a hidden camera.

I mean, logic would dictate that if you're against whistle-blowing because it's somehow dangerous or wrong, you'd also be against going undercover in search of whistles to blow. I mean, unless you were a big fucking hypocrite that just didn't want your own group's secrets exposed, and couldn't give a damn about anyone else.

Oh well, the information is out there, and the public has a right to know about it, says non-hypocrite I.

Just the same, I think it's a shame that folks at NPR are losing their jobs (and NPR might lose its gov't funding) just because someone spoke (amongst what they thought to be like-minded individuals) two facts we all know to be true:
  • the teabaggers are freakin' crazy, and
  • most Americans are uneducated idiots.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What the thinker thinks, the prover proves. Sometimes that looks an awful lot like hypocrisy, but it's completely normal human behavior.

When I find my own hypocrisies I try to sort them out to avoid it in the future. Sometimes the programming goes so deep that I can't seem to reprogram. I get stuck in the rationalizing mode.

And of course most Americans are uneducated idiots; they are the product of the same public education system they constantly vote funding cuts to.