Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Here we go again

Well I did it. I went into the voting booth for the first time in the better part of a decade to participate in the fiction that it matters whom we choose to fuck us in the ass. Not that I'm under amy illusion that I was casting a vote for even one winning candidate. Suffice it to say that I wrote in the same name for most of the positions. Not my own, of course. No fucking way I'd trust myself in any position of authority, but I wrote in someone that I trust would slack off in a manner that makes the DMV look like a Japanese factory.

Anyway, I got to thinking that I actually look forward to having a bunch of tea-baggers in office if for no other reason than sheer entertainment value. However, as an anarchist I do have sympathy with the anti-government zeitgeist. Not that I think these bigoted fuckwits will do anything to actually fight the bloated corporate police state, like ending the "War on (insert noun here)" or stopping transfer payments to corporations and wealthy retirees. We've heard this same line of bullshit before in '80 and '94, and they were spreading our asscheeks before we even left the voting booth then.

Fuck 'em. They've pissed me off already. The old king is dead! Death to the new king!

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