Friday, August 6, 2010


It's like Flintstones chewables in beverage form!

No, it's actually not much like that at all. Chewable vitamins have a whole lot of vitamins in them and not that much sugar. Vitaminwater has enough vitamins to make the name believable and enough sugar to make the name less believable.

So what's the big deal about yet another beverage out there with added sugar? Hasn't it become common place to put sugar in just about everything?
John Robbins: The Dark Side of Vitaminwater

Health experts tend to disagree about almost everything, but they all concur that added sugars play a key role in the obesity epidemic, a problem that now leads to more medical costs than smoking.
Wait. Something usurped smoking? The Smo King!

Shit! Now we'll have to go through withdrawals as restaurants and bars institute public sugar bans.

Oh right. The only way to get second hand sugar is if you are into letting people who consume several boxes of Nerds pee in your mouth.

So we'll soon see a ban on television sugar advertising. Right? RIGHT? Hollywood producers will make certain that no possible role model consumes a sugar product on screen. Diabetes will be the mark of sin! The devil will ride a sugary horse to the apocalypse!


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