Friday, June 4, 2010

Problem in Picture

This image asks us...

What did I find wrong?

Hedge fund managers should be making the least amount of money because what they do is a non-essential service. In fact, it probably shouldn't even be a legal job. Next should be cops, then teachers, then fire fighters, and I am willing to let doctors take the top slot. I sure as hell wouldn't want the task of putting a half dead human back together again or trying to cure someone of cancer. Cops making more than teachers doesn't sit well with me.

Oh, and the tax scheme is all fucked up. But if you made hedge fund management illegal, then it wouldn't be a problem.

Close the hedge fund loophole.

Also, this graphic SUCKS! It would have been a lot more effective if they would have show tiny little ant sized civil servants and shown a proportionately larger 'banker's bookie'. Instead we wonder what a pair of trousers is doing that can earn it $1 billion a year, which visually appears to be no more than four times what a cop earns.


Unknown said...

I considered creating a graphic depicting the scale and then realized nobody would be able to view an image of a businessman 18,000 pixels tall with a single little pixel by his toe representing a cop. Using 1280x1024 monitors linked together the resulting image of the suited man would span 18 monitors high and 6 wide for a total of 108 monitors and the cop would still be just a single pixel on one screen. Which I would be fine with if it weren't for the fact that the teachers and firefighters would be even smaller than that!

List with Laszlo said...

I also like the fact that big oil companies making billions of dollars don't pay any income tax.

Unknown said...

In their defense, at least oil companies make something.

This is about individual income tax. Executives use lots of fancy little loop holes to get paid as little as possible while making a fortune. Hedge fund managers skim a portion of the take, call it 'investment income', and therefor pay minimal taxes on it. They are nothing more than high class bookies with some friends in congress.