Monday, November 23, 2009


Now, I'm going to pretend for a moment that I'm not a vegetarian, so that I won't have to waste much time asking questions like "Why would anyone stuff a 3 lb chicken inside a 7 lb duck, and then stuff that inside a 17 lb turkey?" We'll just assume that this recipe is your idea of food, and you've got enough family over for the holidays to need 27 lbs of birdflesh.

Instead of quibbling over that, I'll ask the more urgent and important question:
  • If you're going to put this thing in your mouth, why did you name it something that starts with "Turd"?
I mean seriously, "chiduckey" sounds a lot more appetizing to me.

1 comment:

Brad said...

You are just saying it wrong. It is not a turd-ucken. It is a Tur-duc-ken. You think that is a gastronomic delight, check out this! bacon explosion