Monday, November 9, 2009

Rant about a fucking pyro

The next neighborhood over from mine is Greenwood. It's got several of my favorite restaurants, my absolute favorite coffee shop, and two game stores. I have a group of friends who get together for dinner and a game every thursday over in Greenwood. I love the Greenwood neighborhood.

Unfortunately, Greenwood also has a pyromaniac. There's been something like 10 arsons in the Greenwood neighborhood this year. It was just 4 or 5 as of about a week ago. Apparently last night there were two more fires (correction: 3 more fires), and the last had been just a few days before that. I hope the Cops catch this fucker soon.

Video link

article on the third fire of last night

And as if that's not bad enough, apparently someone also burglarized my favorite coffee shop.

It's creepy as hell.

I'm angry. How the fuck does someone get away with this for so long? Why would they do it? How are they not being caught, with cops and firefighters patrolling, and neighbors on edge? And how the heck does someone else manage to drill out a door lock and rob a coffeeshop with all that extra neighborhood security in play? It was, for a few hours, eliciting similar emotions to 9/11 or the anthrax letters. Intellectually, I realize it's nowhere near as big a deal, and that was mirrored by the fact that such anxieties passed within a couple hours. It's nowhere near as tragic as those events, but at the same time, it feels somehow more personally threatening. I was all knotted up inside. My favorite part of my favorite town is being targeted, and it's really pissing me off. There have been sirens in the background all day long.

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