Sunday, November 15, 2009

AWPC: On the Same Page

For mandatory Saturday overtime, I don't think my coworkers on day shift got their stories straight before I came in fifteen minutes before the start of my shift and found all of them sitting around the work bench doing nothing.
Pukey: It's been an easy day. We've had nothin' to do. Either the machines are running great, or the operators don't care. Long day, but easy.

Jake: Cool.

Supervisor (walking up five seconds later): Hey, they had an oil spill on grave yard and had to remove the (floor) mats on three and four and clean 'em. We didn't have time to put 'em back so you guys will have to do that tonight.
Three guys and their supervisor had all day to do it, plus they all stood around doing nothing for the last fifteen minutes (or more) of the day. Two of us got it done in less than ten minutes at the beginning of our shift while sharing the story and laughing with every single operator in the plant.

What The FUCK!?

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