Monday, October 12, 2009

To Take a Step Forward, It Helps if You Can See Your Feet

I misunderstood this story when I first encountered it and passed on some erroneous information. Luckily that was to an individual and not in a larger post to the public at large.
News | Top Egyptian cleric bans burka in schools

Egypt's top Islamic school, al-Azhar, banned women from wearing the burka, or face veil, inside all its affiliate schools on Monday as a top cleric said the burka was only a tradition and not necessary in Islam.

The ban was issued after al-Azhar's Sheikh Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi told a middle school student in a class he was visiting to take off her burka while in school.
A small taste of sanity from one of the least wing nut whack job Islamic nations.

1 comment:

rbbergstrom said...

They must have heard about your attempts at developing a water-soluble Burka. :)

In all seriousness, this is pretty damn cool news. Go Egypt!