Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dream Car

Now that I have a 10 block commute to my office, I no longer harbor any delusions about ever buying a new car. I trust that my 13 year-old Subaru will last me until my kids are old enough to drive it. I can comfort myself in the knowledge that I could eventually install a WRX drivetrain in it. Still, when I saw this thing I knew I was in lust:Have you ever seen a vehicle so gloriously utilitarian? Thank you Ford Motor Company for finally getting it through your thick skulls that American tradespeople and families with children do not need giant gas guzzlers to meet their transportation needs.


rbbergstrom said...

Does it fly?

X said...

I think it barely even climbs hills.

Brad said...

Yeah I see this being a huge hit for construction foremen needing to compensate for a tiny penis. I mean the hummers they drive now to haul that huge heavy clipboard and shiny like new hard hat are so pointless and they have been saying it for years!