Thursday, October 22, 2009

AWPC: Whorin' for Your Kids

He approached us with a thick wad of papers in his hands. Before he had said a word to us I could already see glossy photos of pies on the open face and the lines of an order form bouncing into view from underneath as he stepped.
Jake: Look out. He's selling something.

Him: Hey. But it's for a good cause.

Jake: Did you buy a copy of my book? One of my t-shirts? A campaign button? No. You're out of luck, pal.
And I walked away while the guy with kids, knowing that soon he would be in the same situation, browsed the overpriced garbage pushed off on youth to sell as a fund raiser then outsourced to parents. These parents are their kids' whores, and they are whores for whatever organization is doing the fund raising, and whores for the crappy company that makes the fund raiser items.


And not the good kind that people feel really happy after visiting because they just got some sexual release. Hmmm, maybe the soccer moms should get together and reinvent the fundraiser.


digital_sextant said...

I just finished selling taffy apples at my office to help my daughter's daycare buy a new floor. Last year, I just wrote a donation check instead. This year with only one income, I endangered my colleagues' dental health.

X said...

I think I ranted about this subject before. I fucking hate the whole concept.