Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lies about Iran

Came to my attention via RAW story:

Analysis finds holes in US Iran story: US may have pretended to know about facility

WASHINGTON (IPS) – The story line that dominated media coverage of the second Iranian uranium enrichment facility last week was the official assertion that U.S. intelligence had caught Iran trying to conceal a “secret” nuclear facility.

But an analysis of the transcript of that briefing by senior administration officials that was the sole basis for the news stories and other evidence reveals damaging admissions, conflicts with the facts and unanswered questions that undermine its credibility.

The article goes on to explain that while Obama and the rest of the U.S. Government claimed to have caught Iran secretly setting up a nuke factory, the truth is they didn't know what the building was until after Iran contacted the International Atomic Energy Agency and officially announced to the world what the facility was. So, it's not that we caught them sneaking around. They snook around, yes, but then they came clean about it, before our intelligence services knew what it was. But we'll still claim we caught them with their hands in the atomic cookie jar, and start building up towards war. A claim that all the major papers and networks trumpeted.

Noam Chomsky is right. The major media lies through it's teeth to support the status quo and extend our power abroad.


I so desperately want to like President Obama. He said all the right things prior to the election... but now he's acting more and more like Bush. I thought he was going to change things, so I voted for him. Instead, we get more saber-rattling, plus caving on public healthcare, and maintaining unconstitutional rendition policies. A year ago he was saying he'd talk unconditionally with Iran, now he's yelling "gotcha" at them instead. WTF Obama!? You have the power to fix our country - please don't squander that by repeating the mistakes of the 8-years of tyranny that went before you.

So very sad.

The fact of the matter is, we can no longer control who has nukes. It's been dubious ever since the fall of the USSR. The technology is on the net. Enriching uranium is difficult and dangerous, but not so difficult that we can keep it from happening all over the world, not with 100% accuracy. All it takes is screwing up once, and millions die. So, attempting to stomp on every nation who tries to build nukes isn't a winning strategy. It's a doomed strategy, that will eventually lose in a big way. The only winning strategy is to reduce peoples desire to nuke us. The only way to do that is to restructure the power in the U.S. and the World. It's time for the rich to start giving it away to the poor, and for the U.S. to start making restitutions to all the places we've bombed, invaded and robbed, and to the places our allies did the same to while we looked the other way.


Unknown said...

I so desperately want to like President Obama.

Just as I so desperately wanted to be wrong about him.

rbbergstrom said...

I really thought you were.

rbbergstrom said...

He's just not radical enough.

Yes, he's better than Bush, but not enough better to really fix things, it's starting to look.

Let's say the countries "Tyranny Quotient" was at made-up and arbitrary value of "10" under Clinton.

Then under Bush it went up to 100.

At his current rate, Obama may drop it by 20 by the time he leaves office.

But that still puts us at 80, which is a 700% increase over where we were 9 or 10 years ago. Liberty is still imperiled, the world is in tumult, and we have fewer allies than we did before all this started. Only bad things can come from this dynamic.