Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Foo Flu Fighters

Swine Flu hysteria is building once again. That huge outbreak that nearly wiped out the entire United States last winter is poised to take out the rest of us.

While we don't have universal health care to protect us, we can still count on...

I'd rather tangle with the swine flu than this hideous representation given to us by the Oregon Department of Human Services. In a state with a higher than average unemployment rate and a glut of graphic designers, this is the best they could come up with?

While the DHS has lots of materials for employers to post up around the work place, for some reason our HR department decided to use one from the K-5 materials. Perhaps they think the average worker is equivalent to an elementary school student, which I might agree with. The truth I believe to be so hideous it is melting my brain. Someone in HR thought this poster was so awesome that they had to share it with the rest of us.

I think Fiona is actually a super-villain.

1 comment:

rbbergstrom said...

Fiona is first rank in Psyche...

...and Psyche is the most important attribute.