Thursday, September 3, 2009

Chicken-Eating Dogs of Texas

I don't know whether to be happy, sad, paranoid, or really let down.

Happy, 'cause this is starting to look like another awesome example of speciation in our time. Two finds now (this year and 2 years ago) of hairless gray dog-like creatures with abnormally large teeth and abnormally long legs, wandering the wilds of Texas and attacking chickens.

Sad, because the poor little puppies were killed both times. And the poor little chickens. The horror!

Paranoid, because 2 years ago the news promised us gene-sequencing to find out if it was a new species... ...and then never followed up! They must be hiding something! It's a conspiracy!

Or really let down because it may turn out that El Chupacabra is just a mangy dog. Man, that would really suck (goats)!

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