Friday, September 18, 2009


With the economy in slow recovery mode, work has picked up, the hiring freeze has been lifted, and we've started to bring on new temps.
Him: You talking about emo boy?

Her: Emo boy?

Him: That kid with the droopy black hair.

Her: Is that what they're calling goth now? Emo?

Jake: Emo is not goth. Two very different things.

Him: Emo is like (machinist)'s kid.

Her: Oh, with like the tight pants and the black hair.

Him: And the girls all have that puffy black hair with the blond streak that makes them look like some punk chick that's gonna kick your ass.

Her: Well emo certainly seems to be getting very popular.

Jake: Emo is over. It's dead. It's totally last week. Goth is forever.
Thanks to The Onion for affirming my flippant remarks.