Saturday, March 28, 2009

Australian Censorship

WikiLeaks has posted a list of web sites banned in Australia. Of course anything that has been banned requires further investigation. It is never enough just to ban something. One needs to know why.

So I went through the list with the intention of checking out a good number of the sites.

There are many things I just don't want to see. I had to change my clicking strategy. Random was far too dangerous. Luckily if a person is looking for child pornography or bestiality, the site usually hints towards that type of content in the url.

Once you try and weed out the lolita and barnyard porn, you get the fetish sites. I don't know what people find erotic about electric shock or eating scat. These are both things I tried to avoid growing up yet inevitably it would happen. Can't imagine seeking it out. As long as it's between consenting adults, I don't care. Who am I kidding? I never care.

Gay and tranny sites? That didn't make any sense. Unless Australia has some bizarre anti-homosexuality laws I don't know about. Like no puffdas.

While this is definitely NSFW, does it need to be banned? Seriously, go view it and decide for yourself. Unless you live in Australia. Then you can't.

But It isn't even sexual innuendo. Maybe if it was Half Tilt Poker?

It certainly was a strange list coming from a bunch of sheep shaggers.

Addendum: The Australian government is potentially banning any site that links to the leaked list. We might be banned in Australia!

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