In the course of the past year, the purple berry with the funny name has gone from being an ingredient in a single variety of overpriced juice, to being an alternate flavor for every brand of juice, yogurt, sorbet, other relatively healthy snack, weight loss product, or medicine (of any variety) offered in just about any grocery store? It's freakin' everywhere all of a sudden, and it doesn't even taste that good! I just don't get it.
My theory is that Acai doesn't really exist. I've never seen one of the berries in person*, and I shop at some killer produce sections. Instead, it's always just one ingredient out of dozens, and comes juiced, jellied, or pulped and freeze-dried. I think it's really just heroin with purple food coloring added.
*: Look at that photo I provided - it's gotta be fake. Those branches are obviously made of styrofoam. The berries are probably purple ping pong balls. I think I can see a seam on one of them. Lies, lies, I tell you! This fruit is a mass delusion.
It's probably made out of corn like everything else in the American diet.
I had read that because of the sudden popularity of Acai the native populations that depend upon them are now having a hard time getting it and can not afford it. So It is just another little know native food source some marketing bozo found and is now stealing from native populations so they can join the ranks of other cultures raped and pillaged by greediness. I have yet to try it but it is supposed to reverse aging, make you 40 times smarter, increase the size of your penis, make your ejaculation taste like sherbet, add strength to your arms and legs, and I think fly on Tuesdays?
finally, i can quit boiling poppy seeds.
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