This was taken late last week atfer total snowfall had topped 37 inches in 48 hours. As of this morning the total in the last ten days was over 50 inches, and a couple more inches have fallen since then. We're basically running out of places to put the shit. note that my old Ford is parked under two large fir trees, which is why it only has a foot or so of snow on it.
Of course, we do have the advantage of a large fleet of plows and a population not trapped in a state of perpetual delusion regarding the weather. This being Idaho they do suffer other delusions though...
Rule of thumb: it isn't a genuine blizzard until you can lose an 8 year old through careless shoveling practices.
Actually, a nine-year-old girl was buried and lost under a roof avalanche while her family cleared snow off their house. They found her with the help of the fire department, alive.
A less fortunate woman was killed when her roof avalanched on her while she shoveled. She was in her 80s, found by her neighbors...
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