Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hanukkah is Coming!

While still a week and a half away, I had my first Hanukkah dream of the season.

I was in a drafty cabin in the wilderness. It was night. The winds blew and I watched as my lamp light flickered. There was only enough olive oil in my lamp to last maybe half a night.

Without a strong presence of light in the cabin, a bear came wandering in. As I jumped from my loft bed towards the lamp and my rifle, I shouted noises to try and scare the bear away, but it remained.

And the noises were enough to wake me up. The cabin is no doubt a metaphor for the ramshackle State of Affairs this country finds itself in with an invading bear market that is not going to be dealt with by anything as silly as shouting a lot of words. But we have to do something because we don't have a whole lot of oil left.

Have I ever mentioned the dream where I was Moses?

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