Him: Are you Jewish?The guy, who normally completely ignores me and tends to blow off even my morning greetings, immediately went into an excited story of how in all his years in the Marine Corps and training with the Rangers and being stationed in Korea and all the other wonderful things he had patches for all over his jacket, his proudest moment was when he served along side the Israeli Army. In his opinion they are the best military force in the whole world. And the Jewish people as a whole are some of the best people in the world. They've survived so much and continue to get the short end of the stick but just keep on surviving.
Jake: Depending on the day I will claim to be a lot of different things. Today is the first day of Hanukkah so today I am Jewish.
His shift ended as mine started and the rest of the day all I got were a few people who did the look at Jake's head, pretend like you aren't looking at Jake's head, but it's way up there and I'm staring at Jake's head while trying to not look like I'm staring at Jake's head.
Still, I was proud to be Jewish for the day even if it pisses off those who are Jewish all of the time. I even stayed away from pork products.
This is why I love you man!
Happy Hanukkah, happy solstice, merry Xmas.
Just gunna add:
Israelis make the very best psychedelic trance.
The transliteration "yarmulkeh" is generally preferred.
That said, didn't I dub you an honorary Jew a decade or two ago?
I think it was five years back after I had the dream where I was the only goyim employed by the International Jewish Conspiracy.
The transliteration "yarmulkeh" is generally preferred.
Spellcheck doesn't like either of them. Mozilla must be anti-Semitic.
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