Scientists are high on idea that marijuana reduces memory impairmentNow that we have that cleared up...
Could people smoke marijuana to prevent Alzheimer's disease if the disease is in their family? We're not saying that, but it might actually work.
What we are saying is it appears that a safe, legal substance that mimics those important properties of marijuana can work on receptors in the brain to prevent memory impairments in aging.We all clear on that? Don't go smoke up just to prevent Alzheimer's because we directly told you not to and pointed out that chemicals that do what marijuana does can help prevent Alzheimer's. Not marijuana. Got it?
Moving on...
The end goal is not to recommend the use of THC in humans to reduce Alzheimer's. We need to find exactly which receptors are most crucial, and ideally lead to the development of drugs that specifically activate those receptors. We hope a compound can be found that can target both inflammation and neurogenesis, which would be the most efficient way to produce the best effects.The most efficient way without smoking marijuana. Because nobody is suggesting you do that. You could, but nobody is suggesting that.

Of course, it's the smoking of "jazz cigarettes" that's actually detrimental to one's health. (Moreso than normal cigarettes because they're unfiltered and you hold the smoke in longer.)
Nobody said eating it was bad.
Brownies, anyone?
Fuck filters. Filters are the single most vile and disgusting invention brought to the ancient and wonderful art of smoking. They are a deceiver that blocks tar and flavor and no real harmful shit. Every person I know who switched to filtered lights because the regulars were starting to get to them doubled their daily smoking. Every person I know who switched to straights cut their smoking by at least a half. I have only known two people who smoked unfiltered cigarettes up until their death and both of them lived into their 90's and neither of them spent any time in nursing homes. Fuck filters. Fuck filters. Bongs are fine. Fuck filters.
By the way, I don't have a very high opinion of filters.
Statistically speaking, you would probably have to know six or seven people who smoked for their entire lives to know one of them who died because of lung cancer: only about 15% of smokers die of lung cancer (a bit more than that if you count all the other associated cancers).
...Somewhat deceptive, seeing as how the lung cancer rate for non-smokers is about 20 times lower.
I have a pretty low opinion of smoking in general. ; )
...Not to say filters aren't bullshit. I suspect they are. I'm just sayin'.
Don't worry, with the rise of totalitarianism in this country, Jake, me, and the other smokers will be in prison soon enough and you won't have to worry about filters and y'all can breathe all the exhaust and carbon filled air your lungs can hold while ending poverty in Africa.
/end sarcasm
(sorta...and sorry, I'm really am not in the mood/headspace, whatever, to articulate on liberty and the Nanny State this country is bending over and begging for at the moment, particularly in regards to smoking...WHAAH Mr. Gov'ment make everyone stop smoking!! Force all the business owners to follow my rules!!!)
Fuck. Okay. I'll fucking stop before I fucking shove my fucking boot fucking deeper into my fucking mouth and fucking choke myself on the fucking gum stuck to the fucking sole that some inconsiderate pigfucker spit on the fucking ground.
ahh that felt goooood.
I'm so gonna spena that thingamajig.
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