Tuesday, November 4, 2008

McCain's finest hour

I'm sure McCain's concession speech will be on youtube no later than tomorrow morning. It's worth watching at least the first half. He did a good job of redeeming himself. He spoke words of healing. I just hope his message sinks in with the Republican base - there were a lot of assholes in his crowd booing some of the things he said.


Unknown said...

Yeah. it's already here.

Anonymous said...

Ah booing your own potential leader... warms the cockles don't it. Did Obama ever get booed when he said something or productive about McCain... never mind, it is over who cares.

rbbergstrom said...

Brad - the booing has happened every time McCain has tried to say something gracious, unbigoted, and non-reactionary.

Palin was goading the Evangelical "base" to be as crude and hateful as they wanted. This resulted in people at Repub rallies crying out death threats against Obama, or making absurd claims that he was a radical muslim with ties to terrorism. McCain tried reigning them in a few times, and it often resulted in his supposed supporters disrespecting him (in addition to Obama). His concession speech made it clear that he was ashamed of what had happened in his name.

Thank God this election's over. I hope Palin crawls back into obscurity.