Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Irony Vs. Ironing

When I saw the headline, I knew this was a story I needed to read. But I didn't expect what I found there.
Norway tops gender equality list

'Greater representation of women in senior leadership positions within governments and financial institutions is vital not only to find solutions to the current economic turmoil but to stave off such crises in future,' said Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the forum.
So the executive chairman is a man saying we need more women in important positions. Perhaps important positions like executive chairperson of the World Economic Forum?

For those gals seeking a new home where they can feel like a highly valued member of society, here are the top four.
  1. Norway
  2. Finland
  3. Sweden
  4. Iceland
Not to put a damper on the high ranking of these nations who we should be emulating, but could it be that men (like Klaus Schwab) find that blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned women are more valuable members of society?

I'd also like to point out that Scandinavia was a pioneer in the adult entertainment industry back in the 70's and continues to be a major producer. Could a relaxed attitude toward sex play a role in gender equality?

Is it possible that men, even Norwegian men, are still dirty perverts and will continue to be dirty perverts even when it is their faces pressed against a glass ceiling? Wow. I'd be an even dirtier pervert if my face were pressed against a glass ceiling with a bunch of women above me. Fair is fair. I like to wear kilts.

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