I didn't vote for Hillary.
I didn't vote for McCain.
They are corrupt. They serve corporate interests. They did not resist Bush when we needed them to do so. I would not vote for them now, nor in the future.
If Obama gives three of his cabinet posts to McCain and the 2 Clintons, I'm going to be livid.
Attn: Obama: Clean house, dammit! Your voters don't want a coalition, we don't want "triangulation", we don't want centrism. We voted for you because you promised to be different. We voted for you because you were the more liberal candidate. Don't cave on us now!
If you're going to give Secretary of State to someone who's just a Hawk in Centrist Clothing, at least pick a new one. Wesley Clark, maybe.
If you feel obligated to reward those who worked with and supported you, might I remind you that the Clintons and McCains did not do support you. Hillary nearly gave the election to the Republicans, and McCain nearly gave it to the Evangelical Zealot wing of the Republicans. They are not your friends.
Why not bring the disenfranchised back into the process? Think of the good you'd do if you appoint Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, or Cynthia McKinney to Cabinet posts. You can do it, Obama. Think outside the box. Be the catalyst of Change. Imagine the impact if he gave a Cabinet post to Ron Paul, perhaps with the provision that he run as Libertarian not Republican at his next re-election bid. Not only that be all the centrism you "need", it would also splinter the Republican party. A strong Libertarian party actually strengthens the Democrats, since it divides the fiscal conservatives from the social conservatives. If you're gonna play, play to win.
1 comment:
Reason magazine suggested nominating Ron Paul too.
But the important part here is how this illustrates that the President is just a figurehead. The machinery of power is far bigger than any one person.
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