Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Game for a Laugh

Killing time before work. Did some random acts of news searching. Came up with this gem from 2001.
ESR | August 20, 2001 | The death of the liberal propaganda machine

Liberalism itself, of course, has been dead for decades. The defining election was not 1994 or even 1980, but 1966 when the American people determined in the short span of two years that the Great Society was an utter catastrophe, and that the noble, honest Barry Goldwater was vastly superior in every meaningful way to the sleazy, incompetent LBJ...

This strategy did not last long, however, and as Bomber Harris said of the Luftwaffe Blitz on London "They have sown the wind, and now they shall reap the whirlwind." After Nixon left office, Republicans became choosing leaders who were squeaky clean. Ideology aside, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. Bush, Bob Dole, and George W. Bush are good and decent men.
From today's perspective, that is rich. If I had been drinking milk it would have been squirting out my nose for certain.

George W. Bush squeaky clean, good, and decent. Oh my.

The only shocker is that the author has not killed himself to regain his honor.

1 comment:

X said...

Why be shocked?

He probably still believes it.