Thursday, November 27, 2008

Advertisers Must Die

I had started to read this article and had been skimming down looking for some real meat to the piece. Then I hit this block of text.
Almost Green James Glave | Salon

'A lot of people are very coy about picking up these tools. Because, yes, they are manipulative. They feel that if we just educate the public enough, then people will change. It doesn't work like that. It may feel strange to you. But if it takes a bit of social engineering to have a conversation with your neighbor about changing his lights, then that's what it takes.'

'It feels more than strange,' I replied. 'It feels disingenuous. But I suppose at least it's disingenuous for the right reasons.'
I selected it, hit my little 'BlogThis!' button, and stopped reading.

Now I want to go burn baby seals soaked in crude oil.

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