Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Palin vs Biden

Here's a taste of what Thursday will bring: Katie Couric asks the same questions of Joe Biden that she asked of Sarah Palin. There's no "embed" script, so you'll have to click to the video if you're interested. It's basically insightful answers from Biden paired against vacuous posing from Palin. The debate's either going to be a laugh riot, or just so one-sided that it's not any fun to watch. Either way, Biden will crush her.

My favorite part of todays video: Palin says she disagrees with Roe v. Wade because she thinks it should be decided on the state level, because "I'm a federalist", which she thinks means she supports state rights. Apparently her knowledge of history is no better than her understanding of foreign policy. You see, the Federalists stood for the opposite of what she's claiming they did.
"In terms of style the Federalists distrusted the public, thought the elite should be in charge, and favored national power over state power." - excerpted from wikipedia

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