Vanity Fair: The Authoritative Trig Palin Conspiracy Time Line

So Trig Palin is either the retarded bastard son of Bristol or the intra-uterinally abused child of Sarah.
If you give half a shit about conspiracy and/or elections, finding out the truth to this puzzle is important. One time line proves that Sarah Palin is capable of carrying out an intricate conspiracy if it serves her own personal interests. The other proves that she is ruthless and reckless in the pursuit of what she desires even if it means bringing harm to herself, her family, and her fetus that she wouldn't dare to abort because she is pro-life, god-damn-it!

Like the bumber sticker !!
On my first read of this, I used traditional page parsing. Right to Left having priority over Top to Bottom.
Suffice it to say it's significantly harder to understand that way.
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