Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tough day for McCain (and Palin)

Poor guy. This Palin decision is a double-edged sword, and today it dangles above him by a thread. Oh, wait, how sexist of me. I should be concerned for Palin. Poor gal no doubt thought she was being honored when she was called upon. Instead, she's now just being dragged through the mud...

In the past 24 hours:
  1. Journalist Richard Cohen deserted McCain."I am one of the journalists accused over the years of being in the tank for McCain," Cohen writes. "Guilty"...According to Cohen, McCain has "soiled" his integrity by capitulating to the right and for standing by his false political advertisements. "His opportunistic and irresponsible choice of Sarah Palin as his political heir -- the person in whose hands he would leave the country -- is a form of personal treason, a betrayal of all he once stood for," Cohen writes. "Palin, no matter what her other attributes, is shockingly unprepared to become president. McCain knows that. He means to win, which is all right; he means to win at all costs, which is not."
  2. The National Organization for Women has Endorsed Obama. The 500,000-strong women's movement, which "very, very rarely endorses in a general election", broke with its tradition of neutrality after "the addition of Sarah Palin gave us a new sense of urgency," said Gandy. "She is being portrayed as a supporter of women's rights ... as a feminist when in fact her positions on so many of the issues are really anathema to ours," Gandy said...."The idea that she opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest -- those kinds of positions are completely out of step with American women..."
  3. The democrats get to make an issue out of the second Bridge to Nowhere bill. Today may be the day of reckoning for a second "bridge to nowhere" in Alaska. A Democratic lawmaker hopes to stop the project, which is intended for Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's hometown. "A $600 million bridge and highway project to link Alaska's largest city to Palin's town of 7,000 residents is moving full speed ahead, despite concerns the bridge could worsen some commuting and threaten a population of beluga whales," the Associated Press reports.
Oh, right, I just said, like an hour ago, that I was going to make jokes, not war.

Crap. (I told ya, scathing cynicism is far easier for me than humor)

Umm... Damn. I'm just not that good at funny. Let's see... umm... so...

Sarah Palin and a sentient pie named Bush44 are walking through (what used to be the suburbs, but thanks to the housing crisis/katrina/the war on terror is now) a desert...


Unknown said...

Mmm... Talking Pie.

rbbergstrom said...

Yep. I did it for you.

And X.

And Ron Howard.