The whole government is so well distracted by this latest predicament, they probably won't get around to Impeachment, but maybe we can remind them via a petition. We have one last shot - if they don't impeach now, the most corrupt administration in the history of our country gets off scott free.
Some say "what does it matter? He's a lame duck anyway!" or "we'll get him in the courts after he's out of office." Those people are forgetting about the Presidential power to Pardon. He can pardon himself, Cheney, his cabinet, key figures of the inJustice Department, CIA torture chiefs, and the Wall Street Tycoons behind the current financial disaster. Pardoning frantically in your last 2 months in office is something all Presidents do, so we should expect Bush will try the same.
Impeach Bush To Stop Pardons
Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of Rep. Dennis Kucinich, President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney stand accused of 39 grave and impeachable offenses.
Most of these offenses, including war crimes, are felonies for which Bush and Cheney can be criminally prosecuted after they leave office, even if they are not impeached by Congress.
Obviously Bush and Cheney do not want to be prosecuted. So to protect themselves, George Bush's last official act will likely be pardons for himself, Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, and everyone else who committed crimes as part of the Bush Administration.
While most lawyers assume pardons cannot precede convictions, Gerald Ford set a powerful precedent by pardoning Richard Nixon in 1972 before he was even indicted, let alone convicted. If Ford could legally pardon Nixon, then George Bush can legally pardon himself.
So there is only one way to stop George Bush from pre-emptively pardoning himself, Cheney, and everyone else in his administration: Congress must impeach Bush and Cheney before Bush can issue such pardons.
The Founding Fathers clearly anticipated a corrupt President might pardon his co-conspirators, and specified impeachment as the remedy.
George Mason, the father of the Bill of Rights (1791-2002), argued at the Constitutional Convention that the President might use his pardoning power to "pardon crimes which were advised by himself" or, before indictment or conviction, "to stop inquiry and prevent detection."
James Madison, the father of the U.S. Constitution (1788-2007), added that "if the President be connected, in any suspicious manner, with any person, and there be grounds to believe he will shelter [pardon] him, the House of Representatives can impeach him; they can remove him if found guilty."
Impeach the bastards! Sign the Petition! Contact congress! Save what's left of America!
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