But as it turns out, they they were handcuffed, arrested and hauled away. Why is it that the sergeant-at-arms can't seem to track down Karl Rove, but he has no problem bustin' a cap in a wheelchair? Fuckin' pig!
Thankfully, the protesters weren't pushed down the stairs, like some sort of sick, sick parody of Battleship Potemkin...
...though you might want to double-check youtube to be sure.
1 comment:
I posted this, and immediately felt horrible about using "Special Olympics" in the title. How insensitive of me. I was so ashamed, I changed the title to "High Speed Chase Ends In 52 Arrests" which really wasn't any better.
Then, just a seconds later, Jake made me feel all better about myself by posting jokes about a cannabalistic/satanic mass-murder.
That's real friendship - making your insecure buddies more comfortable by intentionally overshadowing their insensitivity.
You da man, Jake.
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