Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sick Fucker

This is some of the most fucked up shit I've seen in quite a while.
Knifed 666 times each and eaten

FOUR teenagers were horrifically slain by Satanists — stabbed 666 times each and then EATEN...

The pals, three girls and a boy aged 16 or 17, were all Goths.
This is disgusting. Goths can't taste all that great. Why not eat vegan hippies who insist on organic produce? I bet they'd taste a hell of a lot better (no pun intended). And stabbing them 666 times? A single shot to the head from behind, unawares, would keep them from experiencing an adrenaline rush that would taint the meat.

Also in the story the suspected perpetrator of the crimes and supposed leader of the 'Satanic' cult openly admits to digging up a grave and eating the heart of a recently deceased person. Nobody in their right mind would do such a thing. Decomposition sets in rapidly. Carrion is not at all appetizing. Apparently not everyone knows this.
The dad of victim Andrei said: “My son said he had Goths and Satanists among his friends.

“I wasn’t scared. I thought, ‘Well, let him spend his time sitting around a cemetery — there’s not much harm in that, is there?’"
There is if you're dead! At least if you want to avoid being food for worms and Russian Satanists. Yet another reason to get cremated. Keith Richards snorting my ashes is pleasant by comparison.

So who is this Sick Fucker mentioned in the headline? Me, of course, for making light of such a news story.

In other news, millions of Catholics admit to ingesting the body and blood of a man dead for over 2,000 years! Ewww!

1 comment:

rbbergstrom said...

Sounds like the Russians really were better off without Religion.