Scientists get death threats over Large Hadron Collider - TelegraphAnd what would Cox want to do with the twats? Fuck them! This shit writes itself.
Such is the angst that the American Nobel prize winning physicist Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has even had death threats, said Prof Brian Cox of Manchester University, adding: 'Anyone who thinks the LHC will destroy the world is a twat.'
But this story is so much better than a bad sexual innuendo. SO much better.
Time travellers from the future 'could be here in weeks' - TelegraphYes, yes, yes, HELL Yes! There has been some pretty cool shit in my lifetime but the invention of time travel would make all of that look like Nancy Reagan crapping in my mouth.
Prof Irina Aref'eva and Dr Igor Volovich, mathematical physicists at the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow believe that the vast experiment at CERN, the European particle physics centre near Geneva in Switzerland, may turn out to be the world's first time machine, reports New Scientist.The debut in early summer could provide a landmark because travelling into the past is only possible - if it is possible at all - as far back as the point of creation of the first time machine.
That means 2008 could become 'Year Zero' for temporal travel, they argue.
Yes, time travel has some genuine downsides. Science fiction authors would be out of a job. They'd all become fantasy writers overnight. My idea for a NaNoWriMo story would be completely shot. Your bookie would also have to research a career change.
A question from the back row. If we can only go back in time to the point where time travel was first discovered, could we then go forward to a point in time where we meet up with a race that discovered time travel before we did and then go back farther in time? Are humans so freakin' awesome that we'll be the first to do it? Or is this some intergalactic hazing ritual where we aren't allowed to play with the big boys until we can time travel. Like they won't let you attend public school unless you no longer crap your pants regularly.
If you use H.G. Wells as a model, most of his science fiction became fact. Right down to the dimensions of his spacecraft that he landed on the moon in his books.
You never know.
You guys seen the movie "Primer"?
I think there might be some bad habits we humans still have that would more likely qualify as the societal equivalent of "crapping our pants".
If you were an intergalactic being capable of traveling in four or more dimensions, would you really want to give us the means to come visit you? Have you seen all the fucked up shit we do with mere airplanes?
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