Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain created this financial disaster (Updated)

McCain created this financial disaster, and the powers that be don't want you to know. McCain took an active role in the Keating 5 scandal, the Savings & Loan crisis, he (and 100% of the Republicans in congress at the time) voted for the bill that had the infamous "Enron Loophole", he had a more than passing responsibility for the subprime mortgage fiasco, and a hand in our nation's current woes. His many roles in all this are documented at the Daily Kos. The fact that Fox is trying to keep you from knowing this is obvious in this clip...

Notice how the Fox host in the first part rudely interrupts his guest every time that guest criticizes McCain? That's annoying.
Later, he then cuts that guest off again, and claims he's doing it because the guest is being rude. That's manipulative.
If you listen closely, you can just barely hear the sound guy saying to cut his microphone. That's just dirty.

Thank you, What Silence, for pointing me at the Daily Kos article.

UPDATE: The Obama campaign finally got around to attacking McCain on this issue, and even made a spiffy video...

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