Friday, September 12, 2008

Kiss A Girl And Go To Hell

An Ohio church was so disturbed by a pop video hit that they felt the need to warn people about its implications in the here-after.
Kiss A Girl And Go To Hell

Pastor David Allison said he didn’t put up the sign to draw attention to the church.

He was just very concerned about the implications of the song for teenagers and what he called a music video so suggestive it borders on pornography.

“If anyone’s seen the video and understands how lewd and suggestive the video is for this song, that is not something young people should go toward,” Allison said.
If there is a sure fire way to get me interested in something it is for a church to hate it. So I went and checked out the video (below).

So yes we should worry about the implications of such suggestive lyrics and imagery and the implications it has for our youth and preserving a conservative Christian way of life and what should we do about a culture of... PIECE OF SHIT!

Once again a Christian church has lead me astray. Bordering on pornography? Yeah, like the way the United States borders on Paraguay. Come on. Nipples and replicated sex only get an R rating and this doesn't have either. This piece of shit is no more suggestive than the Lawrence Welk (cough, excuse me) show.

Remember how the PMRC started when Tipper Gore overheard her daughter listening to Prince's Darling Nikki? I'll stick to Satanic music and strip clubs, thank-you-very-much.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Girls can each other as often as they like! METAL! Fuck the PMRC & the church!