Friday, September 12, 2008

Just to make sure you understand me...

When I'm really pissed off about something, say 9/11 being an inside job, or the FISA bill giving immunity to the telecoms, I...
  • Blog about it here.
  • Do so again.
  • And again.
  • Sometimes I'll mention it on and off for months. (P.S.: 9/11 was an inside job. Bush & Cheney should be tried for treason. McCain sold out everything he once believed in, and is clearly in bed with the devil. Big companies suck, and lobbyists suck twice as bad. Our voting system has been compromised and I totally expect the Repubs to steal a third consecutive election. Conspiracies are real, and our press and government are complicity in a great many of them. Our nation stands upon the cusp of Fascism. On a completely unrelated note: Christianity has lots of flaws, but calling Christians "stupid" or "delusional" and God their "imaginary friend" will never win them over to your cause. It will instead close their minds to your more convincing arguments. Did I miss anything?)
  • And include links to further information,
  • suggest actions you could take to help fix the problem,
  • and sometimes include links to where you can sign a petition or take action.
and in the background, away from the blog, I'm...
  • signing petitions,
  • writing letters to my congressmen,
  • donating to the ACLU, or Environment Washington, or Change Congress, or other progressive causes,
  • putting comments about it in my various forum sigs, so that random people who don't read my blog will still have the general concept on their radar
  • writing even more letters to my congressmen, and sometimes the governor,
  • arguing on the phone with volunteers from the Republican party,
  • voting third party,
  • and sometimes even calling the congressional switchboard multiple times in a week.

When, instead, I'm just "taking a piss" (like Freebird), or playing "what if" / "devil's advocate" (like the LHC), I'll typically stop at one or two blog posts and some number of rebuttal comments.

In the background I'm doing nothing on the issue. At best, I'm contemplating something that I think is interesting to think about, and for that reason trying to solicit other peoples opinions on the topic. At worst, I'm amusing myself with my own asshole-ishness. The issue at hand is not some glaring crack in the foundations of our society which I must personally fix, so instead of being legitmately rankled about it, I'm "ranting into the ether between games of Dungeons & Dragons" (to borrow a line from an idiot). Other posts from other folks on this blog would tend to imply that's to be expected here, yes?

Good, time for a new subject...


Jeremy Rice said...

Teh Intertoobs makes people (meaning: me) look crankier than they really are.

If it's not clear: I admire your dedication to the causes you deem worthy. Put another way, if the claims you make are true--or even partially true--then you are doing the right thing.

I *hope* the same is true for me.

Carry on.

X said...

To go off on a tangent, when I mock people for any reason it's not because I'm trying to convert them to my way of thinking. It's just because I think it's funny.

I'm certainly not trying to convert people to my way of thinking. If everyone thought like me, I'd have to change my mind in order to remain a contrarian.

Incidentally, I think a big part of the reason I can't bring myself to take 9/11 conspiracy theories seriously is that I'd probably find myself in agreeing with too many of my friends.