But, apparently, not any more. Now a days, the good lord moves in strange and mysterious ways, sometimes even acting through intermediaries...
When Palin spoke at the Assembly of God in Wasilla last June, she described her own campaign for a natural gas pipeline by saying, "God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built."Thank God that God sent Sarah Palin to lay all that pipe in God's name. I don't know what we'd do without her and her holy blueprints - God's will would be clusterfucked without her. She's like the pipe-laying princess of peace, workin' it hard for Jehovah. I'm thinking maybe He should send her to Afghanistan to lay some multinational pipe. She could do that on pay-per-view while her buddy McBush chills in the Babylon Crib for a 100 years. It'd be God's will, not man's. Word.
See, it's fun to mock people for believing in such absurdity.
After centuries of lifting your own pipe, it's exciting to have other people lift it for you.
See, it's fun to mock people for believing in such absurdity.
Meh. I wrote it in anger. It wasn't fun, and that's not the person I prefer to be.
What's more, I'm not convinced she believes in "such absurdity".
Would McCain seriously choose a running mate that honestly believes the end of the world is nigh, and God wants her to play a part in it? I should hope not.
So either McCain did a really craptastic job of vetting, or McCain is secretly a man of more fervent religious beliefs than he pretends to, or Palin is a crass manipulator just using religion to her own political advantage.
Honestly, any one of those three interpretations is equally likely.
Excuse me. I should have said: "a man of more fervent and apocalyptic religious beliefs than he pretends to be,"
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