Just wanted to share this paragraph from an article in
The Sun:
Also vacant are the spaces Chinese officials designated for protest during the Games. Some hailed the zones as evidence of a breakthrough for civil liberties in China, but the state-run news agency, Xinhua, said Monday that none of the 77 applications to demonstrate had been approved. Two people were reportedly sentenced to one-year terms of "re-education by labor" after applying to use the zones, which are far from the main Olympic venues. Several others have reportedly been detained or deported to other cities after making similar requests.
Oh, fine, I'll comment further:
The Beijing Olympics are a hollow propaganda piece, devoid of substance, meaning, or truth. 
Not that any of that should surprise us, given China's track history of human rights abuses, propaganda and control, invading Tibet, employing political prisoners to manufacture American flags for Walmart, etc.
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Revolutionary climate control project can reduce hurricanes, droughts and wildfires...Top scientists agree
Climatologists, biologists and physicists from all corners of the globe agree that U.S. based Gravitational Systems, L.L.C.'s revolutionary clean power climate control project INDRA will improve the lives of billions of people around the world.
Terraforming weather-significant deserts into arable land with evaporated seawater.
Mr.Henderson, director of research and development, explains that the INDRA project, a proposed network of specialized evaporation channels moving sea water from the oceans deep into deserts, will convert world deserts into biodiverse arable areas which promotes a more stable world and regional weather. Deserts which cover 1/3 of all dry land will be terraformed into productive land.
The INDRA systems will give mankind control of the weather, ending dangerous hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, and dry heat waves within a decade.
Vast rivers can be turned on and off in hours, and reservoirs and salt marshes drained or replenished in days.
The increased bio-mass of the terraformed deserts will begin to reverse both global warming and thermal sea level rise. UNFCCC cap and trade certification of the INDRA project will allow individuals and business to fund the plan through carbon offsets. The initial projects will be targeted north American, and north African deserts.
Become a member of the INDRA society and spread the concept of practical weather control.
Gravitational Systems, L.L.C.
P.o.Box 2066
Washington, D.C. 20013
website: http://www.gravitationalsystems.org/INDRA
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