Berkeley Scientists: World In 'Mass Extinction Spasm'I think what is happening is that these are desperate times. And in desperate times people take desperate measures. There used to be loads and loads of witches turning people into frogs. Now we have the Jehovah cults suppressing witchcraft and there-by decreasing the amphibian populations.
Of the seven amphibian species that inhabit the peaks of the Sierra Nevada, five are threatened.
Wake and his colleagues observed that, for two of these species, the Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog and the Southern Yellow-legged Frog, populations over the last few years declined by 95 to 98 percent, even in highly protected areas such as Yosemite National Park.

But even this does not account for the dramatic decrease in frog populations. So couple this with the surge in popularity of 'buffalo wings' over the last couple of decades. They say its chicken, but how do you know with all those spices? HOW DO YOU KNOW?
Are you mocking me?
Well I never thought about it but that makes a lot of sense! Less witches less frogs! Just lie less pirate leads to global warming, and we can see this is true today! Praise be to the Flying Spaghetti Monster and may his noodley appendage reach your door.
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