An operator was having trouble with getting the parts track to keep pace with her assembly machine. I went over, cleaned the track, and the machine was all aces.
While working on an adjacent machine the operator came back to me.
Her: The parts are still not keeping up.While she stood there watching I stared at her track, and the parts began to keep up just fine. Really well even. I didn't touch the machine at all.
Me: No?
Her: No. You still have not fixed.
Me: You want to see the parts keep up? Watch this.
As I smiled at her she gave me a disapproving grimace.Me: How do you like that?
Me: I know. Frustrating as hell, isn't it?I flipped off her maintenance request light and walked away.
Jesus cured lepers by laying on hands. I fix machines with an intent gaze. And just like there is no Bible story about Jesus laying on hands to help an amputee regrow a limb, I can't stare a broken part back into it's original working condition. Miracles are funny things. I now have a better understanding of why people would want to crucify a guy that did that all the time.
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