Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pravda Lives!

Just in case you had any doubts, it is now public knowledge that the Bush administration sent talking points to FOX News.

The only thing that distinguishes the Bush regime from the Joseph Stalin regime is a belief in God. He is probably lying about that, too.


rbbergstrom said...

I almost skipped this one because I wasn't in the mood to read about shoes and fashion. Turns out it didn't actually say Prada lives.

rbbergstrom said...

It's clear from the clip that Olberman is misunderstanding that word Integrity to mean something similar to what I used to think it means. He thinks integrity has something to do with morals, when it's actually just about refusing to compromise or change.

He accuses FOX of sacrificing or betraying their integrity. However, if their goal from day one was to push the Conservative / Right-Wing agenda and support the Republican President regardless of whether he was right or wrong, then they were vigilantly standing behind their Integrity.

The word continues to intrigue me. I now suspect there's a left/right schism on how the word is used and understood. How very interesting.