Thursday, July 24, 2008

NSFW: Red Right Hand

Here is the first in a series of paintings I am calling "Sex Symbols". They are loosely based around a holy vision received at a basement mass in the latter part of the previous century. I call this one "Red Right Hand". It is acrylic on pressboard. This is a much more sensual experience in person.

Painting is an art form I have not experimented with in a long time and I expect the forth coming parts in the series to keep getting better. Thanks to this piece I have already begun to experiment with the idea of painting as an extension of my prior sculpting experiences. These are also designed as a major departure from the digital work that has dominated my portfolio for quite a few years.


Anonymous said...

It takes one a second to digest and process the image before the true nature is apparent. The full offense then becomes clear and irreverent. There is the hint of a second and perhaps third layer of deep meaning but the artist makes the viewer work harder to ascertain their true meaning. The vibrant and simple palate distract and focus the viewers attention at the same time and the use of holy symbols is sure to stir deep emotions.

I went to arts school!

Unknown said...

Even I was astounded to find double, even triple imagery behind what is seemingly such a simple piece.

rbbergstrom said...

It's awesome that you're painting again.