Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mother Fucking Liars!

"The United States does not torture."

"Waterboarding is not torture."
Wikileaks - Photo of a detainee held by the United States, with his face wired, lips sewn, red eyes and torso sacked. According to digital camera metadata the image was taken on Feb 9, 2003 03:49:25. The 6 Aug 2004 is also mentioned in relation to this photo. The facial wiring is clearly non-medical. The location of the detainee is unknown, possibly the US Bagram Theater Internment Facility in Afghanistan.

(Seriously, click this image and view it full size to really understand what you are seeing here.)
"Oh. You mean that torture."

God Damned Liar Ass Rapers! Can we impeach them now? Or maybe we should just 'not torture' them.


rbbergstrom said...


Have you read this?

A US court ordered their DNS registrar to delete the site. Why? Because a court case in Switzerland might be influenced by one of the articles / documents.

That's right, a single page of the site might influence a court case in another country, so a US court ordered the entire site removed from the web.

Fucking scary. Hope you weren't attached to your 1st Amendment rights, 'cause they apparently don't exist anymore.

rbbergstrom said...

"their" being itself.

rbbergstrom said...

In regards to your picture:

THAT is a War Crime.

I'm disgusted beyond my ability to express.

Impeachment ain't good enough. It needs to be followed by prosecutions, and long long criminal sentences. Future potential wardens and torturers need to know that when they do that shit, there's a chance they'll find themselves in some other jailer's hands down the road. Maybe that will give them pause to think.

I want massive reforms, not just a couple sacrificial lambs thrown up on the public altar, but major top-down prosecutions.

What a bunch of sick fucks we've got working in Washington and Gitmo.

Jeremy Rice said...

Wiring or no, waterboarding is absolutely torture. The whole point of waterboarding is to convey the sense of imminent death. ...And that's very specifically mentioned by the Geneva Convention.

The wiring is puppy-kicking. The waterboarding itself is a war-crime. There's no question about that (unless you have the wool pulled SERIOUSLY over your eyes).

I'm not personally convinced waterboarding draws a direct line back to Bush, however. ...And yet I still think there's plenty of fodder (mis-leading the public into a war, say) to impeach that fucker. But I see these as two separate issues. Someone ordered the waterboarding. And too few people questioned it (to date, most don't.) They are also accountable.

The next decade is going to be a very dark one for America.

...At least, I HOPE it is. There are some very, VERY serious problems here that are NOT being solved by avoiding "holding up congress".


rbbergstrom said...

Yeah, people delude themselves into thinking waterboarding ain't torture. No one who's undergone it would claim it isn't. And information given up under such measures should be automatically suspect. People will tell you whatever they think it takes to make the torture stop - regardless of whether or not it's true. We've spent years and billions on sadistic pipe dreams.

rbbergstrom said...

But wiring somebody's mouth shut and sewing their lips together - now that's the way to make them talk.