'Uncontacted tribe' sighted in AmazonSo we treat them like some sort of endangered species, completely separate from us despite being just as human. Maybe they don't appreciate being left on their own. Maybe they'd like Tyvek wrapping, McDonalds hamburgers and vaccinations. Or maybe they're better off running around with no clothes on and never having to pay taxes.
The photos released Thursday show men who look strong and healthy, the Brazilian government said. They and their relatives apparently live in six communal shelters known as malocas, according to the government, which has tracked at least four uncontacted groups in the region for the last 20 years.
This is probably what the aliens are like with us. So we keep seeing their ships and we keep looking up at them wondering if they really are aliens and when they are going to contact us. Instead they just observe the quaint little Earthlings, one of the last undeveloped systems in the galaxy.
This is probably what the aliens are like with us. So we keep seeing their ships and we keep looking up at them wondering if they really are aliens and when they are going to contact us. Instead they just observe the quaint little Earthlings, one of the last undeveloped systems in the galaxy.
That's an awesome observation.
I thought it was interesting how they were instantly aggressive. They had no idea what they were looking at but they wanted to beat the shit out of it. Very human. Of course the people in the plane may have been tossing water balloons or something?
The whole thing made me ponder two things. First off why the hell are we terrorizing them with planes. I thought we had satellites? We might as well go in their with a bag of McDs if we are going to fly around. The second question/thought was about the alien comparison. I am sure we would get all hostile and painted up if the aliens visit in their round planes.
No worries, soon enough these people are going to have a freeway so the contact or no contact dilemma will be over! Highway for natives
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