Wednesday, May 7, 2008

2 more films

Not particularly proud of either of these - neither is my best work, by a long shot, and yet neither is crappy enough to have the unedited charm of Pizza Face Death. Very mediocre. I just wanted to get them off my harddrive, so YouTube it was.

"When Watermelon Attack" is a thrilling tale of debauchery and carnivorous fruit. In it's natural habitat, the wild watermelon feasts mostly upon housecats.

It's not as good as The Sweded Dune, any of the Clone films, or most of the PFDs. I do, however, have a defense: my stars were two kittens and a slice of fruit on a plate, only one of which had ever done any acting previously.

"Footprints" is sort of a visual poem about our impact on our surroundings. It ain't great, by any means. Ghosts on a Bridge did the same thing, except better. More than anything, Footprints is proof I should probably stick to comedic narratives. Scratch that: more than anything, footprints is proof I need to carry a tripod everywhere, 'cause I couldn't hold a camera steady if my life depended on it. Here it is anyway:


Anonymous said...

Those are as bad as the killer turtle clips I had on my blog. I can see why you wanted them of your hard drive... that is valuable porn real estate.

The important thing is that you had fun honey. If it keeps you off the drugs, irresponsible unsafe sex and away from Satan's music I think it is wonderful. Said with a motherly tone.

rbbergstrom said...

But mom, I still play D&D!