Our cats are remorseless monsters, so we lock them up at night. They have their own room, complete with things to climb on and pretty good selection of reading materials.
(Jenna likes roleplaying games, especially the character sheets. Ulaire enjoys whatever it is
you're reading at the moment. Being illiterate, they mostly just stand on their favorites.)

This morning, I found this on the floor: Something plastic, apparently shattered under the weight of a box of books they'd knocked off the shelf.
What the heck is that?

Concerned and curious about what they'd broken, I picked up the box.
It didn't help.
The box was still sealed. No clues inside, either.

Three shards of lime green plastic. Neither Sarah or I could figure out what they were from. We'd just cleaned and reorganized the room yesterday, and don't remember seeing anything green like this.

They assemble conveniently into a single object, an unidentified broken object.
Could it be the edge of an overhead light fixture?
Clearly it's something the cats dragged in...
My cats are just really good at faking a crime scene. Look out, CSI!
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