If you are walking through the neighborhood and see someone walking or playing with their dog, it is entirely appropriate to approach them. Very socially acceptable. You can usually pet the dog, comment on how lovely he or she is, ask its name and age, and the pet owner will typically think you are a nice person and feel quite proud of the attention you are giving their pet.
Do not try this with people's children. Not even the ones on leashes.
Maybe the parents are concerned. After all, their kid's behavior is probably far less predictable than a dog's.
Good point, Becky, those parents are probably just worried there unhousebroken whelps will do something horrible. Then they'll have no choice but to put the little monsters down. Some people find that hard to do.
Screw the leashes. I'm looking for a muzzle for my kids. Also, people frown on me leaving them out in the back yard when I go to the bar. Hey! I've got a fence so they don't have to be on a chain, plus I have a 25 lb. feeder, a big water tub with a de-icer, and there's a little door into the garage so they can get out of the rain. I even installed a heat lamp over a burlap bed filled with cedar chips. I wish I had it so good when I was growing up.
Joking aside, when we went to Mexico this winter I was amazed by how much people paid attention to children. People constantly stopped to talk to my son, and women wanted to touch my daughter's red hair.
X you are screwed! I am so sorry that you have a daughter with red hair. The fury is terrible. The woman that puts up with me has red hair, my dad had red hair, I have cousins aunts and cousins kids with red hair. When the fury is unleashed just run! Run I tell you, run! Course I am sure you already know this. Oh and don't leave them in the sun long they burn up in seconds.
I am not sure if they bite while on a leash if people try to pet them? Let me know.
One more thought. We have a pug so I know muzzles are hard to find for creatures without snouts. Unless your kids are horribly deformed I would just go with a ball gag and they can be purchased at most any good sex shop.
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