What the fuck? Does anyone seriously believe even a word that comes from any U.S. intelligence department or agency anymore?US intel: Al-Qaida may move outside Iraq
Al-Qaida, increasingly tamped down in Iraq, is establishing cells in other countries as Osama bin Laden's organization uses Pakistan's tribal region to train for attacks in Afghanistan, the Middle East, Africa and the United States, the U.S. intelligence chief said Tuesday.
I thought this administration had already admitted that there were no links between Sadam and Bin Laden (prior to our invasion). I could have swore that several years ago Al-Qaida already had countries, specifically Pakistan. I clearly remember being annoyed that we were invading Iraq, but not touching places (like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia) where Bush's friends were in power but Al-Qaida had supporters. That was of course early enough in this whole mess that I still believed Al-Qaida could plan and pull off an attrocity like 9-11 without it being an inside job. Now we're told we're supposed to be scared because Al-Qaida might possibly spread somewhere else than Iraq?
I don't get it - why are our troops anywhere but home? It was about 9/11 and Al-Qaida, then about the Taliban, then about Iraqi WMDs, then about Al-Qaida again, then about Iraqi civil liberties, then about Iran's WMDs, and now about Al-Qaida for the third time? Pardon the straw-man, but when the fuck did all of Al-Qaida decide to immigrate to Iraq and contain themselves? There's some god-damn super-sized lies being told, yet again. I'm getting really sick of this crap.
Russia is reversing the deterioration of its military forces with increased spending, McDonnell said, and China's military modernization "will put American forces at greater risk."
Only if we're stupid enough to give the Russians and Chinese reason to fear or hate us! If we stay on friendly terms, it doesn't matter how much they modernize. Dumbass warhawks.
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