Season 1: From Eris's apple to the landing of the first Greek ship. Paris can see the Goddesses; He chooses Aphrodite, she gives him Helen. We see all the various tales of the ways Greek Heroes and Kings try to avoid being dragged into the war. Odysseus "insanely" plowing his field till Telemachus is lain before him. Achilles hiding in woman's garb to avoid the draft. The sacrifice of Iphygenia. We even get an episode of Heracles besieging Troy 10 years earlier (not a flashback, just an earlier tale out of chronological sequence).

Season 3: The Horse. The fall of Troy. The struggles of all the Greeks to return home. The aftermath and hardships back home. Chasing after Helen in Eqypt. The fate of the refugees who escaped the rape of the Troad, and the subsequent founding of London, Rome, and Scandinavia. Chapters of the Odyssey would be present every few episodes, alternating with tales of others who's voyage and home-life gets interesting. Lots of cleverness and monsters, not always in ways the viewer expects. The episode from Polyphemus's point of view will be a fan favorite.
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